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Life of Seniors in Peqin

Quality of life is vital for health and well-being of seniors in Peqin district.

It is not enough for them to just be alive. Good quality of life is especially crucial for older adults who are dealing with chronic health conditions and major life changes, like the loss of their life partner.

Feeling contented and fulfilled for seniors is just as important for overall well-being as getting regular check-ups from the doctor.

Civilized society should abandon the connotation about old age of being a stage of life that lacks vitality, excitement, and should shift toward more encouraging and positive views of retirement, seeking out new approaches to sustain a prosperous social life.

Activities like social engagement, sport and gaming events, blend recreation with a desire to retain facets of one's youth, even in old age.

In Peqin, following Albania trend, the population is aging, and the ratio aged 65 and over is estimated to increase over the next few decades.

As a result, research on this population is important because an aging population has implications on health care and support services.

Several characteristics are correlated with time used among seniors and the gamut of activities involved.

Studying sociodemographic factors in Peqin, senior women spend more time on unpaid household work and less time on passive leisure activities or political and social activities than senior men.

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Health is a significant factor in the way seniors devote their time to various activities.

Seniors who describe their health as fair or poor spend less time on unpaid household work and active pursuits.

But they also spend more time on passive leisure activities.

Local government in Peqin, independent social organizations and institutions in charge of old age category, should do more to enhance the lifestyle of seniors, to get them more involved in community activities so they feel integral part of the community life.                                       Walking around the community is an easy way for a senior to keep active and can be a good avenue to making friends.

Peqin municipality and other administrative units should even arrange a transportation so that senior club members can visit a nearby village, or another city.


Gardening is a wonderful way to go outside and remain active and attached to others. Planting vegetables or fruit trees can help seniors relax and unwind; not only that, but they also get to reap the benefits of their labor: beautiful flowers or tasty veggies.                                     Reading is crucial for senior mental health, stay in touch with the world, but also have a huge social element. It is also an opportunity to share their opinion about a book with others.

For seniors who have worked hard all their lives just to make a living, retirement can open the door to a newfound hobby and creativity.


Painting as well as drawing and crafting are all high on the list of options for artistic expression and making art in a group can be an enjoyable experience to engage with others.

Music also has an undeniable healing power, especially for those who live with mental challenges. Provide entertainment or music therapy activities for seniors contribute to healthier life for them.

No one wants to spend all their time at home, especially seniors, and for that reason Peqin district municipalities should offer special trips and excursions to local attractions, natural beautiful places.


Municipalities can partner with community organizations and initiatives to help seniors be active.

Socializing and communicating in person, outdoor cleaning, maintaining, cleaning garden, and caring for houseplants, taking care of pets, socializing at bars and clubs, engaging in sports and physical exercise and coaching, hunting, fishing and camping, games, cards, walking and hiking, domestic home crafts, reading books, magazines, newspapers all these active pursuits have positive implications on the health and wellbeing of seniors as they age.


Every senior deserves a chance to relax, learn something new, and enjoy the retirement they have worked so hard for.

Retirement can mark the beginning of an exciting new life chapter when the society is well prepared and committed to a mindful approach toward old-age people.  

Constant focus will be essential to continue monitoring the activities and lifestyle of this growing population in Peqin district.

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