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Olive Harvest Day

Are you up for a challenge that is extraordinarily rewarding? Grow olive trees!

Peqin has embarked upon this challenge and nowadays this region count nearly 25000 olive tree. Around 20 – 25% of them are inherited through centuries and this culture is an enduring witness of this region heritage.

Professor Hajri Ismaili, Agricultural University of Tirana - Institute of Plant Genetic Resources, in his study "Main autochthonous varieties of olive olea europaea L. ssp sativa" emphasizes Mixa of Peqin origin.

This olive variety, typical of Peqin, has high oil content and specific nutritional characteristics.
Quality olive oil produced from the centuries-old olives of the Peqin region is a basic element of the cuisine of this area and therefore has a substantial effect on our longevity. All around the undulating hills, on both sides of meandering Shkumbin river, the curious eye will easily catch the everlasting green canvass of olives trees.


Farmers pick the variety that better fits the climate. Living in Peqin it means sharing your life in an olive-friendly environment.  

Olive harvest day in Peqin region, both demanding and compelling, symbolizes a longstanding citizen rejoicing and fascination, and has a special significance for its inhabitants.

The last few year the cultivation of olive trees has expanded, and it demonstrates the symbiotic relationship between man and nature.

It conveys an example of how Peqin inhabitants, through communion with nature, can connect with this divine culture.

In the olive trees we find the continuous rhythm, the power of their ancient and gnarled forms.

Planting olive trees, it kind of restores our connection to nature.

Peqin inhabitants are determined to further this old tradition.  

Come in PEQIN and enjoy the best olive oil ever 
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