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Project-ideas and Community Initiatives


Strong multifaceted lobbying toward the central government for the construction of the Tirana-Peze-Peqin-Lushnje road axis.      

To combine the activity with the local government structures and to be all with one voice. To organize a petition of the whole community of Peqin area, and the deputies of the area to raise their voice in the parliament.

Inclusion of Peqin as soon as possible in the government's priorities for the protection and restoration of the Historical Heritage.

To combine the activity with the directorate of heritage and culture of Peqin district.


Project for renewable energy, wind farms, solar in the area of ​​Peqin.

Agro - Tourism

Establishment of farms for the cultivation of mushrooms which are in great demand in the world market.

Construction of wine cellars and their conception as tourist destinations.

Establishment of Collection Centers and intensive opening of agro-livestock products of Peqin area for the international market. Boost promotional and marketing campaigns in all possible forms.

Encouraging the development and promotion of Olive, Viticulture, Fruit, and opening up to the international market.

Establishment of a Mountain Tourist Resort in Peqin district. This can also be achieved by collaborating with private entities.

Encouraging the cultivation of citrus, and if climatic conditions favor it, also the cultivation of exotic fruits.

Inclusion of Peqin in the map of tourist destinations of Albania as soon as possible.




Construction of the Peqin museum. Peqini has in the center of the city a not at all functional municipal building, with an almost outdated architecture, an ordinary relic which, in addition to swallowing every 4 years taxpayers money with unnecessary restorations and renovations, is totally in contrast to the historical heritage of Peqin. Given the fact that public space available for such facilities are limited in Peqin, it would be more efficient to demolish the existing municipal building and instead build a 4-5 storey building, as is being built in Lac or other areas, with a modern concept, where one floor could be dedicated only to the museum. There are many such examples in the world. In Canada, which does not suffer for vacant spaces, many community centers are designed to accommodate as many facilities as possible for different destinations, even using the basement for swimming pools. I think this would be a rational solution and at the same time would liberate the building of the Cultural Center Peqin which is overloaded with all kinds of offices that have nothing in common with the destination and purpose for which that building was built and which has served as a tribune of culture, art and diverse activities over the years. The opinion of talented architects from Peqin would serve to reconceptualize an urban master plan of Peqin in the light of innovative architectural methods and as part of this master plan to decide on the most feasible option of building a museum.

Rehabilitation and restoration of Egnatia road-Peqin section. The Community Initiative "Peqin - Our Heritage and Our Common Future" initiated and sponsored the unveiling of this rich history of Peqin and is ready to cooperate with local structures, the relevant ministry to promote the implementation of a genuine and real project supplementation with additional elements of tourist values.

Construction of amusement parks for children and adults in every municipality of Peqin.

Financing and encouraging traditional and new sports, football, weightlifting, volleyball, basketball, tennis, etc.….

Increasing the financial capacities for the cultural centers in Peqin and the communes, to increase the range of socio-cultural activities as well as the promotion of the creative abilities of the children through competitions inside and outside the district of Peqin.

Rehabilitation of the northern bank of the river Shkumbin, by the city of Peqin in the length of about 1.5 km turning it into an attractive space, entertaining park, and harmoniously connecting the city of Peqin, the Shkumbin river, the green crown of the green fields, and ondulating hills of the administrative unit Gjocaj.




Reconstruction in the same place of a modern Municipality center, with architectural and environmental parameters, with several floors, possibly over 5 floors.

The reconception by the talented urban planners of Peqin of a province with a modern, compact and integrated urban structure, as a whole. Peqini traditionally as a province has been a well-organized community structure together with Karina, Pajove, Gjocaj, Sheza, Përparim but inherited administrative divisions, unfounded and politically motivated, have severely fragmented and inhibited the urban development of the province as a formation single and compact. Each area has its uniqueness and together they create an ensemble of urban, community values, a new dimension for the tourist perspective.

Restoration according to modern concepts of the facades of the palaces of the city of Peqin.

Rehabilitation of the internal road network Peqin.

Design and Construction of community social cultural centers of the Municipalities of Pajove, Sheze, Gjocaj, Karine, Perparim.

Redesign and standardization of the pavement and railing system. Several neighborhoods in Divjake can be taken as a model.

Rehabilitation of the internal lighting network in Peqin as well as in the centers of the municipalities.

Re-functionalization and integration of existing vacant buildings and adaptation for business purposes.

Radical cleaning of the irrigation canal that passes through the city of Peqin. Currently dangerous environmental hearth.

Systematization of streams, lakes and artificial ponds in municipalities, planting of decorative trees turning them into natural attractions.

Expansion and extension of the green corridor along the Shkumbin River.

Rehabilitation of train station in Peqin. Currently is in a desperate situation.

Rehabilitation of Education Directorate Building and Children Entertainement Center


and Technology

Establishment of the IT and Programming Center in one of the premises of the Palace of Culture.

Social Support



Establishment of a Rehabilitation Center for community members with different abilities, employment according to the possibilities and their integration.

Expanding the involvement of the community of the Peqin area in the decision-making processes and orienting the policies in its interest.

More substantial support with projects and initiatives for children from low-income families.

Establishment of a Rehabilitation Center for members of the community with disabilities, employment according to skills and opportunities, and their integration.

Establishment of a multifunctional Center for members of the elderly community and their integration into social and cultural life.

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