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Elementary and High school
Peqin gymnasium

Peqin gymnasium

Pajove gymnasium

Pajove gymnasium



Elementary & Middle School



Elementary & Middle School

Europe Day - May 9th
On May 9th 2021,Peqin Education Directorate in cooperation with elementary and high schools, organized a special event "Europe Day" - a day celebrating "peace and unity in Europe". Students came up with very creative ideas, expressing their sentiments and willingness to see Albania joining Europe family in a near future. 

Literature student event

This event offers an opportunity for Peqin District High School students with an interest in literature and literary professions, including creative writing, journalism, and publishing, to learn and forge their own future in Albanian literature. Literature teachers in Peqin district do a very commendable job in fostering new talents in artistic creativity.

Happy June 1st dear children!
We wish all children everywhere a joyful, inclusive life, and fulfillment of all your dreams and rights.

Happy Twinning Day

Community Initiative "Peqini - Heritage and Future of Generations" in cooperation with the Education Directorate Peqin, 9-year school "Adem Bedalli", and Peqin Municipality, organized the activity "This is how we do it" in the framework of the exchange of cultural values and historical heritage . This activity is a continuation of the activities of the sisters of 18 different countries of the world. The event was sponsored by the Community Initiative Peqini - Heritage and Future of Generations "and the Publishing House" Onufri "with President Bujar Hudhri, who on behalf of this Initiative, donated many books to students. A special thanks goes to the contributors of the initiative, passionate, and the Publishing House "Onufri". Wishing everybody success in other future activities for the wonderful children of the Peqin district.

Peqin district High Schools Art Exhibition


An art exhibition, a selection of outstanding students artwork, will be on display by the end of October 2021.

All students are encouraged to enter the annual Peqin district students’ art work competition.

Students are allowed two pieces of work and can enter any original work that falls into the following classifications:

Drawing, Painting (oil, acrylic, watercolor), Mixed Media, Printmaking (serigraphy, relief, intaglio), Fibers

Design/Graphics, Photography (minimum size 5” x 7”), Ceramics, Sculpture.

Students are required to cooperate with their respective art teachers and Peqin Education Directorate.

There will be rewards for the top three finalists.

Peqin district - Tree Day


Tree-planting activities represent a great tradition of Peqin district schools.

Peqin students are Friends of the Environment and they are all thrilled to demonstrate their love for nature.

Peqin Education Directorate, schools, teachers in partnership with Community Initiative "Peqin - Heritage & the Future of Generations" strongly supports a wide range of environmental initiatives, with a primary funding focus on revitalizing, animating and stewarding public green spaces.

November 2021. The Community Initiative "Peqin - Heritage and Future of Generations" in cooperation with the Local Education Office Peqin, school leaders, teachers, students, was engaged and sponsored the program "Together to green the schools of Peqin District". We thank the sponsors of the Community Initiative and invite state and private entities, individuals, and businessmen to join this initiative for our common good. We thank the Local Education Office Peqin, school leaders, teachers and students, who embraced this initiative with great desire and passion. Together we can do many good things for the Peqin area.


Activities on the occasion of November 28-29 at the 9-year-old school "Demir Godelli" in Peqin culminated with the staging of the play "Gjaku i Arberit" by playwright Fadil Kraja on the stage of the Peqin Cultural Center. The drama intertwines two Albanian ballads. This drama conveys messages that are current even today, such as faith, bravery, generosity, patriotism, good neighborly relations. The staging of such a drama by the students of the 9th grade showed that these important values ​​of the Albanians are being properly passed on by the new generation. The wonderful, exciting interpretation of this play was followed by students, parents, teachers, school leaders, the Director of ZVA-Peqin Flutura Nuka, the Mayor of the Municipality, Lorenc Tosku, head of the Peqin Genc Gripshi, etc. In the end, everyone congratulated the students - actresses Angela, Eduard, Kamela, Irsen, Amelia, Julio, Ledio, Casey, Argesa, Amelia, Casey, Priscilla,Dea, Gazmendi, Flori, Hatixhea, and Doriani. This play was prepared to be staged by the passionate language and literature teacher Albana Rrushi. This day will remain long in the memory of students, teachers and the community of Peqin district.

Celebrations for the 110th Anniversary of Independence


On the 110th Anniversary of Independence, the students of the 9-year-old school "Shefit Hekali" in Perparim realized very diverse artworks which were aimed at conveying festive messages and the colors of the November holidays. The students expressed their talent and worked with dedication and satisfaction. The main role in these works was played by the Student Government. The most beautiful works were evaluated those of the 9th grade.

Thank you, dear students! Thanks to the teachers for their cooperation!

Happy Holidays! Happy Albania!

Celebrations for the 110th Anniversary of Independence


On the occasion of the 110th Anniversary of Independence, the students of the high school "Mustafa Kemal Ataturk" Pajove developed various festive activities. Songs, dances, dances fill the concert hall with a very happy atmosphere. Students express their special talent. Thank you dear students! Thanks to the teachers for their cooperation!

Happy Holidays! Happy Albania!

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